Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Analyzing Research - Intro

Here as an introduction to an article that I have begun writing.  It looks into research done by HP Labs.

Social Media and Hype - Unfulfilled Promises

Quite obviously, hype about a movie in social media can be a great thing.  It has propelled many movies to solid box office performance.  Rarely, however, does the hype not follow through.

That was the case, however, for movie Kick-Ass, released April 16.  Because of the positive buzz in social media, the movie was widely expected to open around $30 million, but it opened only at $19.8 million.  The movie was a hot topic on Twitter -- people were tweeting about the movie... but were too lazy to actually go see it.  One blogger wrote, "movie geeks were more excited to rave about [it] online than audiences were excited to see it."

So how do you avoid this pitfall?  Studios should ensure that their marketing campaigns will market to more than the fanboys.  Movies like Star Trek and Iron Man do well because they are marketed as movies with broad appeal.  These movies gross incredible dollars, but they have the same roots as Kick-Ass and Daredevil. 

Understanding that your target market is likely to go see the movie whether the ad campaign reaches them or not... should lead marketers to a more segmented marketing plan.  We should keep a lookout on movies like Tron and others which may fall victim to the hype of social media.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Podcast On It's Way

So, I'm in the middle of editing an hour-long Skype conversation I had with blogger Grady Smith. It's just for you guys! The hour long conversation needs to be whittled down to a shorter podcast. I'm really excited for you guys to hear it! This week, check out his Box Office Challenege--a fun, interactive YouTube game that tests your Box Office knowledge!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Paranormal Activity

Hey guys! Hope everything is going well for you! I recently recorded a vlog that I could embed here at Box Office PR. It provides you the background information you'll need to know about Paranormal Activity and its Box Office success. I'll be interviewing blogger Grady Smith and uploading it to the blog. We'll be talking about the movie and how Eventful, a social media site, was the only reason it was a success at the Box Office.